Ensuring that autistic voices across Canada are heard in cultural and political conversations about autism, so that policies include and value all autistic people.
Autistic Well-Being
Advocating for access and self-determination for all autistic people, in healthcare, education, employment, support services, and community networks across the lifespan.
Cultural Change
Promoting autistic culture, creating safer autistic spaces, and fostering pride, to change the cultural narrative about autism from one of tragedy and normalization to one of support and acceptance.
Our Values
Inclusion and accessibility for all
Equity across different disabilities, ages, races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, religions, social classes, and nationalities
Active respect, acceptance, and pride
Autonomy and self-determination
Collaboration, community, and peer support
We strive to follow the 10 Principles of Disability Justice, as put forward by Patty Berne and others at Sins Invalid: